Sony Android TV Troubleshooting: How to check if the cause of the problem is in a downloaded application and how to resolve it

Sony Android TV Troubleshooting

If your Sony Bravia TV does not work correctly, there is a possibility that a downloaded application is affecting the operation of the TV.

Start the TV in safe mode and check if the problem occurs again while the downloaded application is disabled. Please make sure that the A/V receiver has the latest software version in order for the ARC to work.

If you were able to start the TV in safe mode and confirm that a downloaded application is affecting the TV’s operation, try the following:

  1. Please update the application to latest version from Google Play Store.
  2. Perform Clear data by following the procedure below.
    1. Press the HOME button on the remote control.
    2. Select Settings.
    3. Select Apps in the TV category.
    4. Set Running app or system app.
    5. Choose the application with problems.
    6. Select Clear data then OK.
  3. Inquire to the web page or the e-mail address listed in FULL DESCRIPTION of each application.
    1. Press the HOME button on the remote control.
    2. Select Google Play Store.
    3. Select My Apps.
    4. Choose the application, then FULL DESCRIPTION.
  4. Consider uninstalling the application.

For more information or help please do not hesitate to contact us at 7000 8111 or to leave your request on our online contact form.

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